Access the Network Easily & Quickly

Recommended - Download the App

Return users download our smartphone App.

Once downloaded:
  • Register.
  • Set up payment method.
  • Details will be saved for future use.

To initiate a charge [from within the ParEV App] simply scan the QR code on the Charge Point.   

App users benefit from:
  • Initiate Charging Sessions quickly with minimum fuss.
  • Receive automated VAT receipts.
  • Pre-book a charge session (coming soon in 2022 Q3).  Ideal at busy sites and great for business users.
  • View your Charging History to easily track costs.
  • Benefit from preferential rates for certain user groups (e.g. For employees of a particular charge point site).
  • Easily find other ParEV sites using the inbuilt Map.

Guest Users - No need to Register

Don't want to register - no problem!  ParEV recognises this so we cater for occasional / one-off users.  

To initiate an unregistered charge session:

At our AC Charging Sites:
  • Scan the QR code from your Smartphone's Camera App
  • Follow on-screen payment instructions.
  • Plug-in & get your electrons.
At our DC Charging Sites:
  • Contactless Card Payments are supported.
  • Alternatively use the AC method above.